Thursday, February 2, 2012

A simple and powerful argument to end the Federal Reserve immediately

From Charles Hugh Smith:
Counterfeiting is illegal because it is the false creation of value. The counterfeiter takes low-value paper and turns it into high-value money, which is fundamentally a claim on the real productive value of the economy that issues the currency and recognizes it as a proxy means of exchanging that productive value.
Counterfeiting is illegal because the counterfeiter creates no additional value – he creates only the proxy for value. Creating real value – adding meaningful goods or services to the economy – is tedious, hard work. How much easier to simply transform near-worthless paper into a claim on actual goods and services?
If this is illegal, would somebody please arrest the Board of the Federal Reserve for counterfeiting? The Fed has blatantly printed money without creating any real value to back up their added claims on productive value. Hence, they are counterfeiting... pure and simple. A government based on rule of law would arrest these fraudsters and cons at the earliest possible convenience.
And while you're drawing up the indictment, can you also charge them with...
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More on the Federal Reserve:
Jim Rogers: More Federal Reserve money-printing is about to begin
Blockbuster Bloomberg article details giant Federal Reserve cover-up
Top banking insider BLASTS Federal Reserve... Calls for new gold standard

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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

These facts show the U.S. gov't is actively making unemployment worse

From David Galland, Managing Director, Casey Research:
U.S. politicians make a great show of concerning themselves with the level of unemployment. And so they bluster about the need for this new program or that new program – in fact, about any new idea except for the one that will actually be effective. Namely, stop the meddling.
Recently, there have been some interesting developments that merely confirm the government's intentions are to continue doing exactly the opposite of what they should be doing.
For starters, we had the news that President Obama announced his administration was going to...
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More on unemployment:
This could be the scariest chart in all of Europe
Mind-blowing chart shows the government could be responsible for high unemployment
Top Silicon Valley entrepreneur reveals the real reason manufacturing jobs have left the U.S.

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

The key earnings reports you should be watching next week

From Bespoke Investment Group:
A total of 119 S&P 500 companies are set to report earnings next week. Below is a table of the stocks whose reports will be watched the most closely.
For each stock, we not only highlight its report date and time, but also the percentage of the time it has beaten earnings estimates in the past, as well as its average one-day change on its past report days.
These stats come from...
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More on earnings:
These stocks are set to make huge moves this month
If you own stocks, this could be even more important than Greece or the euro
Two of the world's best-known stock-pickers have dramatically different outlooks on stocks today

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Doug Casey: The U.S. government is officially bankrupt

From Doug Casey, Chairman, Casey Research:
Everyone knows that the U.S. government is bankrupt and has been for many years. But I thought it might be instructive to see what its current cash-flow situation actually is. At least, insofar as it's possible to get a clear picture.
As you know, the so-called Super Committee recently tried to come up with a plan to cut the deficit by $1.5 trillion and failed completely. To anyone who understands the nature of the political process, the failure was, of course, as predictable as it was shameful. What's even more shameful, though, is that the sought-after $1.5 trillion cut wasn't meant to apply to the annual budget, but to the total budget of the next 10 years – a fact that is rarely mentioned.
Now whenever the chattering classes talk about cuts, it's always about cuts over the course of 10 years. Which is a dodge, partly because most of the supposed cuts will be scheduled for the end of the period, but also because new programs, new emergencies, and hidden contingencies will creep in to offset any announced cuts. So the numbers below aren't a worst case... they're the rosiest possible scenario. People thought I was joking when, asked how bad the Greater Depression was going to be, I answered that it would be worse than even I thought it would be. But I haven't been joking.
To sum up the situation, given its financial condition and the political forces working to worsen it, the U.S. government is facing a completely impossible and irremediable situation. I'm going to try to illustrate that here. But because I'm a perpetual optimist, not a gloom-and-doomer, I'm also going to give you solutions to the purely financial problems – albeit, with some good news and some bad news. The good news is, there actually are solutions. The bad news is...
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More from Doug Casey:
Must-read: Doug Casey predicts America's next 20 years
Doug Casey: How to know when it's time to "get out of Dodge"
Doug Casey: Four steps to building and keeping long-term wealth

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Friday, January 6, 2012

What to buy now before the Fed launches QE3

From Zero Hedge:
Fed and/or ECB intervention is coming: whether it is called LSAP, QEx, nominal GDP targeting, selling treasury puts, or what have you.

A regime that now exists only by central planning intervention, by definition, requires ever more central planning intervention to sustain itself, let alone grow further. Furthermore, the banks not only want QE, they need QE. And since central banks serve other banks, not the people, it is only a matter of time. Don't believe us? Read anything written by Bill Gross in the past year. So what to do ahead of QE3?
Luckily, SocGen has released a complete cheat sheet of not only the dates of the next steps, but what to buy and what to sell ahead of the announcement. In short - one should buy mortgage-backed securities (MBS), in order to "simply buy MBS before the Fed" - something Bill Gross knows too well and has been hoarding MBS relentlessly as a result, as reported here. More importantly - one should buy...
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More on QE3 and the Federal Reserve:
Jim Rogers: This is what QE3 will do
The absolute must-read editorial of the week... of the month
Bond king Bill Gross: More "QE" could send interest rates soaring

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